California Roots Festival 2015 ADD

05/22 - 05/24 2015

Dub FX @ Wha‘ Gwaan Munchy?!? #78

04/04/2024 by Munchy

Edition #78 of Wha’ Gwaan Munchy?!? features Benjamin Stanford aka Dub FX. Munchy and Ben linked up in Dortmund at the Reggaeville Easter Special.


  • Benjamin Standford on why he chose his name to be Dub FX
  • Dub FX on his childhood, growing up in a musical family in St. Kilda, Australia
  • Dub FX about the first time he listened Reggae and Bob Marley's album Legend
  • Dub FX about his experience visiting and working in Jamaica
  • Dub FX on appropriating different cultures
  • Vibes from the Reggaeville Easter Special in Berlin, Germany with Eek-A-Mouse and Dub FX
  • Live performance by Yaksta & House of Riddim from the Reggaeville Easter Special in Dortmund, Germany
  • Dub FX on working with Paolo Baldini, Mista Savona, Woodnote and more for his latest album Infinite Reflection
  • Dub FX on production work, mixing and mastering technology, and perfection
  • Dub FX on fatherhood and balancing music and family
  • Live performance by Anthony B & House of Riddim from the Reggaeville Easter Special in Hamburg, Germany
  • Dub FX on how he approaches his live performances